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Please call our office if you have any questions about our program or the children we serve. 
Julie DiVerde
Executive Director
Napa CASA, A Voice for Children
1804 Soscol Ave Suite 201
Napa, CA 94559
707-257-2272 phone
707-257-2278 fax

The Napa Court Appointed Special Advocate program (CASA) is the only program in Napa County that serves children who through no fault of their own have been made dependents of the court for their safety and protection.  Too many of these children face continual uncertainty and must navigate life’s challenges alone.


Children who have been abused and neglected need and deserve the opportunity to hope for a better future - a future that includes the chance to succeed in life.  This is where Napa CASA fulfills a critical role by providing advocacy, support and mentorship. Napa CASA volunteers are often the only consistent person in the child's life throughout the entire time that the child is in foster care.

"My CASA volunteer not only helped with my education, she would always call me
to see how I was doing."    -Karla, foster child

Thank you for your interest in CASA

Napa Valley Community Foundation :: Napa Valley Vintners :: The Gasser Foundation :: The E. Richard Jones Family Foundation 
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